Friday, 17 August 2012

The One Ball that Fixes All

Bribie Island Golf Club, Queensland
At Bribie Island Golf Club they've come up with a golf ball that fixes whatever ails the golfer, but is specifically good for the following:

1. This ball is guaranteed to fix anyone with a Kevin Na whiffing affliction.
2. If you hate one particular club, or several of them, this is where you punish it/them.
3. You'll never lose this ball in the rough.
4. Impossible to slice or hook this one.
5. Has to be a damn deep pond or lake to make this unretrievable.
6. Slow players a nuisance? Roll this on them from a hilltop and, okay, they'll slow down completely, but you'll have no trouble playing through.
7. Great for retaining key swing thoughts in lessons. Just as you get to the top of your backswing, the top pops off and a pro in swimming togs leaps out and yells 'Keep that right knee flexed!"
8. When you die, you can have your ashes buried here ... providing someone pays your sub every year.
9. You have no trouble keeping your eye on the ball.
10. It makes that hoary old chestnut 'Keep your head down' redundant.

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