Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Golf for Insomniacs

I've just finished a research project in which I've proved that the best cure for insomnia is reading the Rules of Golf. I studied 20 insomniacs, 10 of whom were golfers and 10 who weren't. Interestingly, the non-golfers always got further through The Book than the golfers, managing to read up to rule 27, ball lost OB, before falling asleep.
Golfers never got past rule 17, ball striking flagstick, at which point they swear and heave The Book aside. Then they throw anything else they can get their hands on and exert such effort that they fall asleep exhausted. I suspect this is why they only give out paperback editions. Given the frequency with which The Book is thrown (even by non- insomniacs) a hardback edition would never last.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Gordon St,Dannevirke,New Zealand

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