Friday, 13 April 2012

Botox will cure the yips

One of my correspondents is on the verge of giving up golf because of the yips. An effective remedy is mentioned in my latest ebook, More Agonising Golf, but there is also another way. And it has great side effects. As we all know, the yips are a jerking action on short putts which often turn a 2-foot putt into a 30-foot chip. Golfers have tried all sorts of 'remedies' including alcohol, drugs, and gluttony. They've even imagined their incredibly boring high school maths teacher who made time slow down, so should have had no trouble altering putting tempo. However, all the last method achieved was yups - lots of short putts. It's way easier to slow down time than a nervous golfer. No, forget all that stuff. What our yipper needs is a course of botox, a well known muscle relaxant which has long been used to fix facial tics and hyperactive bladder (both of which are well-documented yip side effects). The trick is to inject the botox in exactly the right part of the muscle so that the wrists relax enough for putting but not so much that you can't swing the putter back. This is where the great side effect happens. It takes so long to find the correct spot that you'll overcome any fear of needles.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. This article about how to cure the yips is interesting and useful for many players.
